Spiritual care is my approach to addressing emotional and psychological trauma from our past. After studying the predominant psychological approaches in the mental health field I discovered a missing link in the modern dual compartment of the soul approach. I came into the understanding that the spiritual realm is very real and evil and negativity is something that we have a choice to agree with or not. I believe there is a highest good and truth over all traumas and that everything is happening for us if we choose to see it that way. There’s always opportunity for growth and to step into a conquering spirit to help others bound by similar traumas/experiences. Most people tolerate the traumas of their past and let lies play over and over again in their minds about who they are and what they are capable of. You are not your past or your pain, you're not broken and certainly not condemned to tormenting thoughts forever.
I discovered a deeper understanding of the spiritual reality we are all dealing with through several spiritual encounters/experiences of my own. It was on the other side of this experiences that I began to receive revelation about the human experience that we are all having with how our thoughts, emotions, and spiritual makeup connect with the spiritual realm around us on a daily basis.
I believe that everything has a Spirit and we must seek that the highest good or Spirit of Truth would reveal the darkness that we are in agreement with and the healing that is available to us if we are willing to receive it.
You are a spirit, you have a soul comprised of your mind, will and emotions, and you have a physical body.
I believe almost all dis-ease has spiritual/emotional roots. The experiences of your past and voices that you engage with in your mind play a vastly powerful role in your day to day health and can have a tremendous impact on your physiology. What we believe and agree with in our mind brings tremendous downstream consequences. The seat of our autonomic nervous system is the hypothalamus gland. When we tolerate and agree with thoughts of positivity or negativity we begin a cascade affect through our nervous system of a fight/flight/freeze response, or a rest and relaxation response. The process of “Spiritual Care”that I help people with is learning to rewire their thinking to the Spirit of Truth and the highest good imaginable for their lives. In a short time learning to take every thought captive in obedience to that highest good becomes more than possible but reality. I believe that the Spirit of Truth is a very real, intelligent, all knowing force and wants to bring divine guidance that is above what we can hope, dream, or imagine for the highest good in our live and futures.